出演者: れいな
ヌードモデルの仕事をしてるというれいなさん。脱ぐこと、見せることに慣れてるせいか、どの角度、どの仕草が一番よく見えるかをわかってる感じ。もうなんか脱ぐ前からフェロモンが出ちゃってます。年齢を聞くとはぐらかされちゃうんですケド、まぁアラフォーってことらしく、その割には若いというか、色気は年相応というか、とにかく女の匂いをムンムン感じます。これおこづかいが欲しいってことで来たけど、完全にエロいセックスを楽しみにきてるな…嬉しいけどw一見どこにでもいそうというか、街で見かける美人さんというか…でもそこはかとなくいやらしい匂いが出てるんですよね。こういうタイプ、好物です。Reina says she works as a nude model. Perhaps because she is used to taking off her clothes and showing them off、 she knows which angles and gestures look the best. Even before she took off her clothes、 she was already emitting pheromones. When I asked her how old she was、 she didn’t tell me、 but she said she was in her 40’s. She was young for that age、 but her sexiness was appropriate for her age、 and she smelled like a woman. I came here because I wanted to get some extra money、 but I think I’m here to enjoy erotic sex… I’m happy to hear that、 but at first glance she looks like she could be anywhere、 like a beautiful woman you’d see on the street. I like this type. I like this type.