出演者: やよい
池袋の乙女ロードで待ち合わせしたのは男よりアニメを選ぶ腐女子。食費よりアニメグッズが大切。と聞いたので餌付け。出会って即、ファミレス。満腹になって緊張感とお股を緩ませます。そして本人も隠れ自慢な色白ロケットオッパイにむしゃぶる。パンツの中に手を入れるとマンマンはもうグッチョリ。女の匂いがムンムンしてるパンツをズラすと、ビラがクパァとだらしなく大開放。「電気消して…恥ずかしいよ」キミ、ドMだね?反り返ったマラでマ●コ突かれまくってビクンビクン!アニメ声で「イッ…ちゃう…」って、可愛すぎです!We met up at Otome Road in Ikebukuro with a rotten girl who chooses anime over men. I heard that anime goods are more important than food. So I baited her. We met and immediately went to a diner. With a full stomach、 she loosens her tension and her legs. Then、 he munches on her white rocket breasts、 of which she is secretly proud. When I put my hand inside her pants、 her cunt is already soaking. When she pulls down her pants、 which are filled with the scent of womanhood、 her tits open wide and sloppily. I’m so embarrassed. You’re masochistic、 aren’t you? I’m going to cum、 she says in a cartoon voice、 it’s too cute!