出演者: 加藤みゆ紀
書類が詰まった段ボールの山が家に持ち込まれる様子を呆然と見ている『みゆ紀』。テレビドラマで見たような世界が現実にあるのだということに驚いていた。夫に急かされ一緒に段ボールを運ぶ彼女の姿をじっと見ていた男がいた。夫の上司『長谷川』…彼の目が妖しく光る様子に彼女は何も気づいていなかった…。夫をクビにすると脅されレ●プされてしまう彼女。凌●の日々が始まる…Miyuki watches in dismay as a pile of cardboard boxes filled with documents is brought into her house. She was surprised to see that the world she had seen in TV dramas existed in reality. There was a man who was watching her closely as her husband hurriedly carried the cardboard together with her. Hasegawa、 her husband’s boss… She didn’t notice anything about the mysterious glint in his eyes… She is threatened with having her husband fired and is taken. The days of being taken begin…