出演者: 美谷朱里
若くして結婚し数年、社宅から中古のマイホームへと引っ越した専業主婦の若妻・朱里。何不自由なく生活しているが旦那との夜の営みはなく、欲求不満を募らせていた。そんな中不穏な影が…なんとその家には前のオーナーが住み着いていた…!家じゅう至る所から覗き見をする前オーナーは艶めかしい朱里の肢体の虜になり、夫の居ない間に執拗に朱里を●すのであった…。Shuri is a young housewife who has been married for several years and moved from her company housing to a second-hand home. She lives a comfortable life、 but she doesn’t spend the night with her husband、 and her frustration is growing. But then a disturbing shadow appears… The previous owner of the house has taken up residence…! The former owner、 who peeps into the house from every corner、 is captivated by Shuri’s lusty body、 and while her husband is away、 he relentlessly takes her…